26 Apr 2010

With any location used for filming, it is vital that you do a risk assessment pointing out all the dangers and hazars that are visible or might occur whilst filming;-
THE LAKE - The Lake is an obvious danger as there is every chance that one of us could fall in. To resolve this firstly, we did most filming away from the lakes edges and also team member Blondi is a trained and qualified Lifeguard; ensuring us even more saftey whilst filming.
BRANCHES- As we were filming in a small woods, there were many thorns, thistles and nettles about. To resolve this whilst filming in places we made sure all nettles and thorns were either broken or covered. We made sure any thorns or branches rooting along the floor couldnt trip us up by crushing them down onto the floor. We also made sure that all the team was aware of any highly risky thorns, etc.
MUDDY- The ground around the lake was very patchy with grass, resulting in most of the ground being mud. This could cause slipping if it rained or got damp to the team or to our main protagonist when at points she was needed to run. Also, as the ground is hilly, we could possibly fall and hurt ourselves whilst filming. So also, the team made sure we were careful and aware of this if it started to rain whilst filming.
STEPS- Some hidden areas around the outskirts of the Lake had wooden stairs leading to them. This again could be a hazard if it rained, as the wooden would become very slippy and any of us could hurt ourselves. There was no initial way for us to avoid this hazard, so if it were to rain, we would have to not film on the stairs.
GETTING LOST- As we were going down many hidden routes and through trees and bushes, there was a possibility that we could get lost. Also, as we were filming at twilight, with slight darkness, this increased our chances again of getting lost. To make sure we didnt get lost, all team members stayed together and we made sure we had assessed our route thoroughly so we knew exactly where we had to go to get back home.
TREE CLIMBING- For some shots, the Aerial shots, i had to climb up a high tree to properly get a decent shot. Climbing the tree obviously came with daners, as i could of lost my grip and fallen out of the tree, dropped the camera and equipment or even got stuck up the tree. To ensure me and the equipment had maxiumum safety, Team member Toby climbed halfway up the tree behind me for support, Luke sttod underneath me incase i dropped the camera, and i made sure i was in a suitable position that ensured me grip on the tree and movement to film.
BUSY ROADS- Next to the Lake, there was a busy road. As we went to film at twilight, around 5/6pm, this meant that is was rush hour and more cars would be on the road. This danger was avoided by making sure we all stayed together and when we needed to cross the road we didnt it all together and at a point in time where there was space to actually cross safely.
WEATHER- As all nearly all our filming was to be done outdoors, there was a risk that bad weather could effect our filming. If it rained, this could create more hazards visible around the Lake and also it could damage or ruin our equipment. To plan ahead from this, we checked the weather forecast and took umbrellas incase of a light shower. If we did experience heavy rainfall, then we would have to postpone all filming and reschedule.

We needed to write a filming script before filming to create more preparation and outline exactly how our filming could be done smoothly and as quick as possible. We needed to be over prepared and know how we were exactly going to film because we were filming at twilight and needed to use our time wisely before it got too dark to film. It also made a clear outline of what needed to be done, to make sure we didnt have to refilm any parts again or forget any of the needed shots. It also helped us remember the sequence the filming went in when editing all the shots together.
1. 180° pan, establishing shot.
2. Extreme close up of character.
3. Qu
ick flashback of her popping pills.
4. C
ut back to character and gradually zooming out showing her lying in leaves and forest area.
5. Tripple time rewind of sequence.

6. Long shot of girl skipping through woods down path.
7. Close up of face looking happy.
8. Pont of view of trees looking around, spinning.
9. Aerial shot of girl spinning.

10. Close up of girls face smilming, laughing, happy
11. Sky, spinning.

12. Forest establishing shots, girl in three different places, appear all at the same time.
13. On bridge, happiness drained, scared.
14. Long shot running down paths.
15. Over the shoulder, tracking, running.
16. Close up on scared face, panting.
17. Camera slants, show girl falling.
18. Up at trees again, fading, blurring, represent blinking and passing out.

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