12 Feb 2010

Preliminary video & Evaluation

Overall, I was pleased with our final preliminary piece and think it went really well
We used a variety of shots and editing techniques to make our piece and i personally feel they all fitted together greatly. I would consier out preliminary piece an acheivement, as this was the first time in our group we had done any filing or editing, and for a first attempt i believe it was very successful.

Personally, my favourite shot in the preliminary would be the low angle shot resembling a camera overlooking the drug dealing at school. I think the editing and transitions surroundinfg this part of the sequence flows superbly together, and when edited the shot very much resembled a security camera.
When shooting the long shot of Toby walking into the classroom we titled the camera on its side to get a longer shot effect. From this we ended up getting two black lines down the side of the screen which we didnt know how to get rid of. This i would consider is an area that needs improvement and i feel soon enough we will know how to resolve a situation like this if it happens again; from gaining more knowledge of how to use a camera and editing skills. Another thing we would do differently would be to use a tripod when filming. This enables a steadier more stable picture whilst filming, and can lead to the video being better qualtity. However, in our preliminary we didnt see the nonuse of a tripod as a problem, as i still think our preliminary piece was a success but when it comes to our opening film sequence, i think a tripod will be neccessary.

When making our opening sequence we could add other sound and music which would improve it and help create a semantic field and make a more interesting film to watch. In our preliminary our sound changes as its filming in different areas where some are busier and noisier and some much quieter - this make the transition less smooth and effective so we need to work on our sound and add non diagetic sound to our final piece.

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